
воскресенье, 18 ноября 2007 г.

Struggle against weariness and depression

Struggle against weariness and depression

Struggle against weariness and depression. Tests and councils, both for sportsmen, and for office workers. Recommendations of users the Internet.

Spring depression, or seasonal affective frustration as doctors name this condition, - a piece not palatable. The sun shines, the nature is updated, and on a shower - an impenetrable gloom, appetite is not present, all is ill, the dream does not go, to itself is not lovely. The science argues on the reasons of this paradox many years. It is a lot of hypotheses: winter weariness, an avitaminosis, hormonal reorganisation of an organism for the summer, an oxygen lack, surplus of light after dark winter... Clearly one - to be reconciled with spring depression it is impossible, it is necessary to resist in all accessible ways. And if itself has not consulted - to call to the aid medicine.

Suffers smothering, and the stomach is ill

Depression quite often disappears under a mask of other illnesses. The person feels of a pain in heart, a stomach, the intestines, unpleasant sensations in a back, a problem with a skin, loss of hair, etc. Detailed inspection does not show any deviations, it start to treat, but helps nothing. It goes to other doctor, the third, to the fourth, quite often goes so for years. Skilled doctors consider, that to 10 % of constant patients of polyclinics suffer not corporal illnesses, namely depression. On the other hand, depression can be a symptom of dangerous illnesses. It is recently established, for example, that at older persons accruing depression can be a stroke or heart attack harbinger.

On a floor and age

Depression amazes the weaker sex almost twice more often the strong. Whether it is a riddle of gentle female soul, whether the reason is banal - men address for the help to the psychologist less often. In risk group - wives of new Russian. Many of them do not work, devoting time to themselves or being dissolved in interests of the husband. Gradually their world decreases till the sizes of the fitness centre, a beauty salon and own habitation, and the spouse becomes unique object of attention. Because of the slightest conflict to it the world falls, negative emotions overflow. The second group of risk - the young mums who are looking after the baby. Heavy work, the big emotional loadings, constant alarm for the kid - enough a small occasion that the world was painted in black colour. Two more groups of risk - the dissolved and lonely women are more senior 40 years. At young men depression peaks fall to 16 and 19 years. But if young men are more often involved at this time in antisocial forms of behaviour girls quite often exhaust a problem inside, being given to despair completely.

And here genes are guilty

Whether the person will suffer depression or not, define also genes. One of them manages development of two important hormones - норадреналина and серотонина. They are responsible for delivery of a nervous signal in departments of a brain which participate in formation of emotions, behaviour and nervous regulation. The mutation in this gene on 80 % reduces development серотонина, which else name "a pleasure hormone". Besides, on such people also medicines-energizers almost do not operate. One more gene "manages" transport серотонина in a brain. It happens a miscellaneous: the long version of a gene interferes with depression development as delivers "a pleasure hormone" quickly and precisely. And here short - mutant - the gene works badly, at such people depression develops twice more often.

From Цунга to Бека and back. The TEST.

There is a set of tests, questionnaires and scales for depression revealing. Among the most popular - test Цунга and scale Бека which allow the person most to estimate the condition. Scale Бека is very great, but at desire you can find it in the Internet. The test which has been thought up by psychologist William Tsungom, is a little bit easier - on each of 20 its questions it is possible to give one answer from four possible: "very seldom", "seldom,"often","almost constantly". Accordingly add to itself points from 1 to 4.

1. I feel more nervous and disturbing, than usually.

2. I feel fear absolutely without the reason.

3. I am easily afflicted or I panic.

4. At me sensation, that I cannot gather and take myself in hands.

5. At me sensation of full well-being, I feel, that with me there will be nothing bad.

6. My hands and feet shiver and shiver.

7. I have headaches, pains in a neck and a back.

8. I feel weakness and quickly I get tired.

9. I am quiet, I can sit easy without any efforts.

10. I have a sensation of tachycardia.

11. I have dizziness attacks.

12. I have weakness attacks.

13. I breathe freely.

14. I test онемение and покалывание in fingers of hands and feet.

15. I have pains in a stomach and intestines frustration.

16. At me frequent desires on мочеиспускание.

17. My hands usually dry and warm.

18. My person burns and reddens.

19. I easily fall asleep and I sleep a deep, freshening dream.

20. I am am tormented by night nightmares.

The score from 35 to 40 means, that depression at you is not present; from 41 to 45 - depression is, but in the easy form; from 46 to 65 - the help of the expert is necessary for you.

9 rules of peace war with depression

1. Take a sheet of paper, will halve its vertical line. At the left write down everything, that you disturbs on points. On the right - the reasons of it. For example: badly I sleep. The reason: I am done not left by thoughts about... Find arguments why it incorrectly and write down them.
2. To change priorities, think up new, interesting, but выполнимую the purpose. For example: "to go on target to the girlfriend to other city" or "to buy a new sports suit". In detail describe on a paper all stages of how you will realise it.

3. Spring depression - is a high time to begin "all at first". Change a daily routine: start to visit pool, include in a daily routine evening walk under any weather conditions, etc.

4. Try to deliver every day to itself and relatives small pleasure: the ticket at the cinema, the new book, good manicure, preparation of a new dish, etc.

5. In the day off afford "a laziness holiday" - well sleep, take a fragrant bath, descend in a hairdressing salon.

6. Try to change something in apartment: move furniture, buy a new curtain or a rug for a hall, replace flowers.

7. Since evening write down a detailed plan for tomorrow, trying not to leave in it of a free time.

8. Will invite the close girlfriend in cafe or to itself home - and properly complain each other of all disorders, even, maybe, cry together while to you it is not becomes ridiculous.

9. Remember that mood differences cause some medicines, for example contraceptive means. Probably, they should be changed. If these measures do not help, it is necessary to address to the psychotherapist. Vivacity salad, pleasure juice If attacks of spring melancholy even more often, pay attention to the food allowance. Necessarily include in it polyvitamins. Try to avoid both low-calorie diets, and heavy, fat and sweet dishes. Limit itself in strong tea and coffee. Eat more products containing iodine - colour and sea kale, sea fish. Necessarily prepare salads from fresh vegetables, greens (parsley, a celery, a leek, etc.) Garlic, nuts. Black chocolate, dried apricots, bananas, oranges and other citrus cheer up. East spices are good also - it is possible to season with them both ready dishes, and fresh salads, desserts. Do not forget about свежевыжатых juice - not only fruit, but also vegetable: carrot, cabbage, beet. Add in a juice extractor or a blender some branches of parsley.

The correct diagnosis put 5 of 100

According to the World organisation of public health services (CART), in the world from depression suffers not less than 110 million persons. How many in Moscow - it is not known, at us such statistics it is not conducted, and to doctors with similar complaints address extremely seldom. It is known, that in New York of 20 % of women and 7 % of men suffer it. But, according to National institute of health of the USA, these people address, as a rule, not to psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and to doctors of the general practice.

"Not Profile" doctors, according to the same sources, make the correct diagnosis only in 1-5 % of cases.

Cats too cry

It appears, spring depression is familiar also to animals. Zoologists consider, that it is connected with a winter exhaustion, organism reorganisation, at some animals - and with hormonal preparation for the reproduction period. So, in the spring house pupils are ill простудными is more often and other diseases, they have nervous breakdowns: the dog can escape from owners, to become aggressive, not to obey commands. Cats are hammered into a corner, refuse meal and games. At all animals the body temperature fluctuates. This period at animals lasts two-three weeks. At this time it is not necessary to force them to do what they refuse. The food should be nutritious and easy, to dogs and cats vitamins, greens are necessary, for birds - water trays. And, of course, your love and understanding.

Councils to sportsmen

Exhaustion - the enemy almost all sportsmen as its premature development leads to decrease in physical working capacity. The exhaustion represents a difficult physiological condition; it can exist in various forms and have various displays.

The exhaustion by the nature can be physiological or physical, arising on such reasons, as, for example, inadequate power supply of muscles, inability of muscles to develop energy with sufficient speed or even because of inappropriate for a certain kind of physical activities of composite structure of a body of the person shown in the excessive maintenance of fatty weight.

By the nature the exhaustion can be psychological. It can be shown in impossibility to concentrate attention to correct performance of movement by a hand or on accuracy of performance of technics of sports exercise that can be caused braking development in ЦНС.

There is a significant amount of the factors promoting development of exhaustion. In particular, many conditions of environment make negative impact on possibility to reach in some kinds of sports of high level of sports working capacity. The heat, a wind, polluted air are factors which can make negative impact on physical working capacity.

One more factor to interfere with effective performance of sports exercises, the equipment of the sportsman can be capable. So, easier sports footwear in comparison with the heavy gives the chance марафонцу for some minutes faster to overcome 42 km of 195 m.

Extreme factors as, for example, the psychological stress caused by importance of problems put in competitions, can raise power value of carried out physical activity and to lead to premature development of exhaustion.

Эргогенные the means used in sports for struggle against exhaustion and economical use of energy

It is necessary to notice in advance, that correctly organised training process for the sportsman is the most effective эргогенным means which can promote increase of sports working capacity at the expense of production and use by energy potential muscles. However sportsmen often try to find such ways and methods which could replace intense training in this connection эргогенные means for them represent considerable practical interest.

The majority эргогенных means is applied to increase in production of energy and increase of efficiency of its use, thereby warning or postponing development of physiological or psychological exhaustion.

Various эргогенные means can be applied for:
• strengthenings of the metabolic processes providing энергопродукцию;
• reduction of influence of the factors interfering optimum course of psychological processes;
• increases in quantity of the muscular weight, capable to make большее quantity of energy;
• increases in speed энергопродукции in the muscle;
• increases of an energy potential of muscles at performance of long work;
• delivery improvements to muscles of the substances providing optimum muscular power;
• creations of obstacles to accumulation in an organism of the products complicating optimum power of muscular cages;
• increases of efficiency of movements of the person.

Food эргогенные means are used, mainly, for increase in muscular weight, supply of muscles by power sources, and also for increase in speed энергопродукции in muscular cages.

Physiological эргогенные means are applied, basically, for increase of speed энергопродукции, and also for creation of obstacles to accumulation in an organism of the products promoting development of exhaustion.

Psychological эргогенные means are applied to improvement of functions of a brain to weaken influence of those mental factors which can promote decrease in sports working capacity.

Pharmacological эргогенные means are applied with the same purpose, as physiological and psychological.

Mechanical and biomechanical эргогенные means are created and applied, basically, for increase of efficiency of movements of the person, promoting preservation both physical, and intellectual energy.

Power drinks

The modern active way of life - the big physical and intellectual loadings, emotional stresses and shocks on work, study - all conducts it only to wild weariness and bad mood. Advertising of power drinks promise to raise working capacity, an emotional condition, reaction and speed … In this connection sale энергетиков is carried out more often in night clubs, in discos, the fitness centres, on autorefuellings.

To the taste and colour, they remind more ordinary aerated drinks. Only unlike the last manufacturers энергетиков add a considerable quantity of vitamins, carbohydrates and caffeine in production. It becomes that the tired consumer has cheered up and has become cheerful. Drink action lasts approximately 4 hours.

Free energy. The spiritual party of a question.

Power increase at all does not mean its accumulation. It can seem strange because we have got used to phrases like «to me there is no energy» or «I am full of energy». To accumulate it is possible only physiological energy, in the form of calories. For this purpose it is good enough to eat and regularly to have a rest. Free energy to the person to accumulate there is no place.

Free energy comes to a body from Space. If power channels wide enough - energy are, if they narrow - energy are not present. Therefore the high power is, first of all, wide power channels.
Free energy always is present at each point in unlimited quantity - take, how many you will carry away. It is necessary to learn to let in itself this energy and to feel itself as the Universe part. It should not be any single certificate. It is necessary to aspire constantly to sensation of power unity with world around.

It seems to the person, that if it will save up a lot of energy, it becomes strong and can become successful. Energy accumulation serves in this sense only as preparation for influence on the world force of internal intention. Attempts to change or win the world power methods - business the extremely difficult, ungrateful, inefficient and, hence, demanding the big expenses of energy. The person, co-operating with the world force of internal intention, is too much about itself thinks. Actually, it simply drop at ocean.

External intention does not change the world and does not struggle with it. It simply chooses that is required in this world. For work as external intention it is not necessary to accumulate energy. Energy and so in bulk everywhere - we bathe in it literally. To accumulate energy - all the same, what to float in lake and to hold behind cheeks water for emergency. Do not fill the granaries energy, and allow it to pass simply freely through you in the form of two fountains becoming isolated against each other. That's all, that is required.

Free energy passes through a body of the person in two directions. The first stream going from below upwards, is located on one inch in front from a backbone at men and on two inches at women. The second stream goes from top to down and is located almost closely to a backbone. The size of free energy of the person depends on width of the central power channels. The these channels, the above power are wider.

Free energy will be present at enough if power channels are not made narrower. Narrowing of power channels occurs for two reasons: a contamination of an organism and constant influence of stresses. In the organism which has been filled up with slags, energy cannot circulate freely. Channels are clamped in stressful conditions even more strongly. Short-term splashes in power lifting are usually replaced by the long periods of recession. During such periods the person cannot live a high-grade active life, and drags measured existence.

In due course power channels will atrophy more and more. It is caused by that the person ceases to develop with the years, enters into a measured rhythm of a life and training of channels practically stops. Training of channels occurs when the person is compelled to use intention on a maximum level. Achieving the vital purposes, the person trains intention, and consequently also channels. As soon as the basic tops are taken, the intention lath starts to decrease gradually. Here time also comes, when in the evening (and not only) it would be desirable only one - to blur in an armchair in front of the TV. Power channels narrow, are not present energy of intention, a life not in pleasure, and in burden.

Fortunately, it is possible to correct all easily. For this purpose it is not required to force to take the intention new tops. Power channels well train power gymnastics.

It very simply also takes away not enough time. Rise directly as to you it is convenient, not straining. Take a breath and imagine, that the power stream leaves the earth, enters into area промежности, moves along a backbone (approximately on the distance specified above), leaves a head and leaves in the sky. Now do an exhalation and represent, that is high from the sky the energy stream goes down, enters into a head, moves along a backbone and leaves in the earth. To you not necessarily physically to feel these streams. It is quite enough to imagine simply to itself of it. In due course your sensitivity will be trained so, that you learn them to feel.

Then present, as both streams simultaneously движутся towards each other, not being crossed, everyone in the channel. First do it on a breath and an exhalation, but in due course try to refuse a binding of streams to breath. You can force of imagination (intention) to accelerate streams, to give them power. Now present, that the ascending stream leaves and spreads over a head a fountain. Similarly descending stream leaves and spreads a fountain in an opposite direction, just underfoot. At you from above and from below two fountains. Mentally connect splashes of these fountains so that to appear in power sphere. Then pay attention to a surface of your body. Simply feel a skin surface, and then stretch this sensation in sphere just as the balloon extends when it inflate. When you mentally inflate a skin surface, the sphere of the closed power fountains is fixed. If you obviously physically feel nothing - it doesn't matter, the imagination at the beginning suffices. It is not necessary to try very much only something to feel.

Increase of power not only will raise a vitality, but also will make you more influential figure. Your radiation becomes more powerful. It is useful, when it will be necessary for you to affect someone or in something to convince. Are known as power methods of power influence on people, but they run counter to principle Трансерфинга which says, that you have no right something to change, and can choose only. With world around it is not necessary to struggle and press on it. It is very ineffective way of achievement of the purposes. The world, as a rule, answers power pressure to the same.

The above your power, the people because they subconsciously feel your energy is better concern you, and even in any measure it consume. Vampires and pendulums extort from you energy purposefully. The vampire has made the business, and you feel, as a squeezed orange. The pendulum sucks energy gradually and constantly. But usual people do not swing from you energy purposefully. They as if bathe in your energy if it overflows your fountain much.

Giving surplus of energy to people, you achieve their arrangement. People so have got used to give energy to pendulums, that they are pleased always with a source, itself giving energy. So-called magnetic or charismatic persons concern such sources. About them say, that they possess any inexplicable charm, magnetism. It and it is no wonder. That causes in you the big liking: a pool with stagnant water, or a pure spring? Do not worry concerning that your energy is consumed by associates. That small surplus of energy which you give to associates, will work only in your advantage.

Let's admit, the meeting which is a lot of for you is necessary to you means. Refuse importance and include the central streams. Let they beat fountains. It is required to you much less clever words and sensible arguments. Simply include the fountains. Drawing and passing through yourselves free energy, you present associates. At subconscious level they will feel it and, not giving itself of the report, will like to you liking. The secret of your charm will be a riddle for them, but not for you.

The products useful to a brain

Researchers consider, that people from a cranberry become cleverest. In it contains most of all antioxidants which enter interaction with free radicals of oxygen. These radicals do a hormone cholesterol harmful to heart and vessels, and also are responsible for memory impairment and works of the oporno-impellent device with the years. Researches on rats have shown, that a diet which basic component is the cranberry, leads to memory improvement, and also to more balanced work of the oporno-impellent device in advanced age.

The second place after a cranberry is occupied with a bilberry. This berry possesses all same properties, as the cranberry, only in it is little bit less than antioxidants. But in it the substances improving sight contain.

The third place was divided among themselves крупнолистная by a beet and cabbage. The substances containing in these vegetables, destroy enzymes which in a considerable quantity leads to development of an Alzheimer's disease and decrease когнитивной to function.

After vegetables there is a fat fish. Such grades of fish as a salmon, sardines and a herring contain fat acids which also split harmful enzymes. Researches have shown, that if at least time in week to use in food one of grades of fat fish it is possible to lower substantially probability of disease by an Alzheimer's disease.

The honourable fifth place in a rating of "clever" meal occupies spinach. Scientists have established, that spinach slows down occurrence of problems in the nervous system, caused by ageing, and also interferes with occurrence of infringements of informative abilities.
And in summary some the simple and checked up recommendations of struggle with усталосью and depression from habitues of Internet space

As it is possible happen on the nature is more often, I, for example one time in a garden constantly went barefooted, at least on fresh air, plus, necessarily healthy way of life and eutrophy!

One of ways - sports, increase of physical endurance. Thus is less. The organism spends mad quantity of energy for processing of that we in it shower. And a waste биш slags stores here, inside. All it does not promote, as you understand.

Laziness, weariness, irritability, aggression, lack of energy, a high-grade food. An organism «закислён», «зашлакован».
Clean an organism and to be liberated energy, only do not begin about vitamin. We owners for bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites... Unfortunately. And if the kislotno-alkaline balance is broken, their aggression is obvious, a dysbacteriosis, экземы, are born кисты, bones expand... And if to begin about vitamin roommates increase the life cycle because they at first eat.
Illness-it result of infringement of function of an organism as a whole. And infringements in an organism occur from a poisoning of an organism with the toxins arriving from out of and with наружи from products of ability to live of microorganisms.
There is a power product-mikrogidrin-antioxidant, it does not have analogues in the world, silicon, organism protection, 100 % will add energy, a natural product.
To restore kislotno-alkaline balance of an organism the mineral additive to water Алка майн will help, to eat 100 % natural food which gives energy are high-grade.

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