
воскресенье, 18 ноября 2007 г.

Diet struggle against depression

Diet struggle against depression
There was a change of warm and cold seasons, but do not hasten to run into traditional autumn depression: the eutrophy is capable to create a miracle and to return sensation of solar summer.

So, all байки about the visited resorts are told, a holiday money графии засмотрены to holes, and ahead of anything, except winter and new working feats. Similar prospects usually negatively affect mood, transform the person into "a sour mine", and a life - in struggle for existence. The coquettish woman's summer only strengthens these sensations as once again reminds of irrevocably last holiday.

And here, to overcome melancholy, we start to seek consolation instinctively. On the statistican, in 80 % of cases we find it in meal. The happiness formula becomes extremely simple: the more eat, the the mood is better. Therefore it is no wonder, what exactly in autumn months people accumulate the most part of of what with then and torments get rid in the spring, sitting on diets or in the fitness centres.

The certain logic in similar actions is: when our nervous system worries pressure or the next stress, the organism demands additional support. But it does not mean at all, that any meal helps us to go through the nervous moments. For a long time already not a secret, that "заесть" stress is possible, however here not in quantity, and as food. The correct menu is capable not only to encourage you, but also to preserve a parabottom-thin the summer form all year long.

The menu for a holiday

To support summer carelessness at high level and during the osenne-winter period, it is necessary not so much:

- Fragrant mint tea which removes a nervous tension. To drink it it is better in the evening, if you in the afternoon перенервничали as mint is natural soporific.

- Cabbage which reduces activity of a thyroid gland, calming thereby the loosened mentality

- Fruit salad from a strawberry and a banana. The in itself strawberry taken in number of 150 г, remarkably extinguishes negative emotions. However in a combination to a banana (серотонина - a pleasure hormone) it operates with the "wholesale" supplier much more productively.

The melancholy and the bad mood, the autumns caused by fast arrival, are reflected and in memory. If since September, 1st you became a little forgetful and absent-minded:

1 It is time подналечь on вита mines With: the lemon freshens both food, and thoughts. The lemon juice glass will reanimate ability to perception of the information;

2 Low-calorie pineapple (about 60 calories in 100) also will facilitate intellectual loadings;

3 do not delete from a diet carrots. Carotin is useful not only to sunburn maintenance, but also memory;

4 Shrimps will relieve of creativity torments as are simply stuffed by fat acids necessary for a brain;

5 If it is necessary to concentrate on something, and it is impossible to you, eat bilberries: it improves blood circulation of a brain and between the m cares of sight;

6 In critical cases when for the sake of resuscitation of memory you are ready to offer even fresh breath, it is possible to resort to the help of onions. The onions promote разжижению to blood that increases supply of a brain by oxygen, and you - ingenious thoughts. One minus: for notable effect it is necessary to eat on half of bulb daily;

7 Contrary to widespread hearings about inconsistencies of chicken mind, an egg strengthens a brain It it is connected by that in it lecithin - substance which positively influences volume and efficiency of our memory contains.

Practically all products set forth above are not carriers of a considerable quantity of calories. Besides, they perfectly cope with autumn nervous shocks, and consequently, and with the bent for caused by them to a refrigerator. That, will undoubtedly, favorably reflect ся in symmetry of your figure.

Diet from depression

With arrival of depression doctors advise to reconsider the diet for 3-7 days. At battling to depression and there should be near at hand following products: meat of a hen (it is desirable white), a turkey, the beef liver, fish (a tuna, a trout, a mackerel, sardines) and seafood, eggs, fresh milk and sour-milk products, cheese, an abundance of vegetables (carrots, sweet pepper, green onions, tomatoes, a peas, a celery, an asparagus, bush pumpkins), fruit (bananas, citron, киви) and berries (a black currant, a cranberry), bean (a string bean, lentil), wheaten bran, nuts, seasonings (a rosemary, a tarragon, a basil, реган), dark chocolate, infusions of grasses (зверобоя, mints, душицы).

During depressions are not recommended: alcoholic drinks, the bread, the aerated drinks, fat food (especially фастфуд).
[2007-09-28] Source of news:

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