
воскресенье, 18 ноября 2007 г.

DEPRESSION AFTER struggle methods

DEPRESSION AFTER struggle methods

Depression - a depression accompanied by constant feeling of melancholy, alarm, the apathy, the indifferent relation to the validity, burdensome feeling of fault and impossibility of reception of pleasure from a life, aspiration to loneliness and rest, feeling of intellectual dullness and lack of will.
The person appears not in a condition effectively to resist to difficulties.
Meanwhile, there are next ways of struggle against depression.

Dream - the best medicine

The frequent companion of depression - a sleeplessness. The simple recipe of a good dream - a cool bedroom, a warm blanket, a low pillow and full silence. If it is necessary, it is possible to accept soft soporific. When we sleep, time goes faster so faster and "the black strip" will more without serious consequences end.


To it, most затратному to a way, it is necessary to resort only at the tightened depression when other means do not help. The main thing - to leave far away from all that casts for a long time already melancholy. Here all depends on your preferences. For someone the best way of struggle against depression is a lying on a hot beach. Someone will prefer extreme tourism - from mountaineering before diving. In general, to everyone - the.

Good film

From all ways offered here this, probably, the most banal and simple. Well, really, what can be easier, than insert the cartridge into the videorecorder and two hours is attentive to look at the screen? Meanwhile, at correctly picked up film the effect can be simply shaking! What exactly to choose - your business. In any situations the good comedy, and in any - the most bloody thriller is irreplaceable. The main thing - to distract from the sad thoughts.

Do not surrender

When it is got on nothing, there is a huge temptation, having given all up as a bad job to tell: "All was gone! I can already make nothing!" The most interesting, that catastrophic forecasts, as a rule, come true. Having run into depression, having lowered hands and nothing undertaking for the rescue, you are final, will go on a bottom with pleasant feeling of the correctness. But what for such correctness is necessary? Struggle up to the end, do the utmost also impossible, the persistence always brings a victory. It is easy to die - difficultly to survive.


It is necessary to tell, that here the result not always depends on action scale. By the way, it is erroneous to think, that this way approaches only 15-20-летним. Meetings with old friends, that is with those who remembers what you were about 10-15 years ago especially successfully turn out. Here it is possible so to have fun, that you will be envied by your children!


Any humour to some extent is under construction on another's troubles. Try to take a detached view of the life, as on a comedy of humours. Bitter смешинка it is better some bitter tears.

Feats on work

This way ideally approaches for potential workaholics. That is you so give yourselves a full-time job what to grieve and run into depression to you begins simply there is no time. Alas, if work and so across a throat - this way does not approach.


Here variants can be as much as necessary! Someone writes romantic verses, someone composes rock operas, and someone embroiders with a dagger. And it is possible to guess still crossword puzzles, to draw cartoons to friends, to do hats, to construct many-storeyed pies, to grow up flowers, to spin baskets, to sew soft toys and to cut a fret saw. And, by the way, than more seriously depression, especially long hobby it is necessary to choose.

Enjoy life to the full

It is good to learn wholly to enjoy minutes of calm. When behind the next trouble, and all burdensome cares of this day are finished, well to sit down conveniently, and it is better to lay down, relax, close eyes and to tell to itself: "this minute to me it is quiet, I can not worry about what. That will be further - I do not know. But this instant entirely belongs to me. Now at me everything is all right".

Take a bath

Lay down in hot or slightly warm bath. It is possible to relax and doze simply, it is possible to esteem a detective. In general, the main thing - completely to relax.

Live the present

It is not necessary to recollect the past. The last troubles are powerless, they cannot amaze you any more, forget insults and defeats, do not irritate wounds, do not recollect what not to return any more. Not
It is necessary to frighten itself of phantoms of the future troubles - the future only one, and to invent it is possible the whole one hundred misfortunes, the majority from which will not occur.

Image change

Any considerable change in own reflexion in a mirror usually very effectively helps to cope with melancholy mood. It can be hair colour change, chemistry, a hairstyle, courageous experiments in a make-up and, in general, cardinal change of style. Simply try to look differently somehow at itself - and the world around too will a little exchange.

All will pass

On a ring of wise tsar Solomona it has been written: "And it will pass". This will pass also "a black strip" in your life, morning will come, the sun will look out. And to satisfy the strict theory of probability, for an equilibration of "a black strip", the life will present to you wide, full of happiness and удач "a light strip". It is necessary to wait only!

Furniture shift

This way of struggle against melancholy is one of the most traditional. The important moment - does not demand this way practically any financial expenses and ideally approaches in cases,
When to change something it would be desirable right now, not shelving. By the way, a way it too purely female. To the majority of men similar ideas during depression do not come to a head.

Supper at candles

This way approaches, if the depression reason is the melancholy on something fine. For this purpose the candles, weakening music and a glass of good wine will be necessary for you. Further depends on that, one you or not. In loneliness it is possible to relax, dream simply about something, absolutely having disconnected from real problems and cares. Together such romantic evening can be spent, as you understand, a little differently.

Tritsiklichesky preparations

They block linkage нейромедиаторов with нейронами which, thus, freely move in синаптическом space. One of similar molecules, Имипрамин, helps at a hypotension, but has also collateral action, leading to increase in weight and locks. The new molecule, Венлафаксин, apparently, does not render so harmful influence.

If depression has not reached a stage of a psychosis and does not threaten physical health in struggle against it various natural kinds of therapy can render considerable aid. We said time and again that use натуропатических means in a combination to supporting cosmetic procedures helps to solve a problem essence.

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