
вторник, 20 ноября 2007 г.

Myths about depression

Myths about depression

Myths often prevent people from doing the right thing. Some common myths about depression:
MYTH: It's normal for teenagers to be moody; Teens don't suffer from "real" depression.
FACT: Depression is more than just being moody. And it can affect people at any age, including teenagers.
MYTH: Telling an adult that a friend might be depressed is betraying a trust. If someone wants help, he or she will get it.
FACT: Depression, which saps energy and self-esteem, interferes with a person's ability or wish to get help. It is an act of true friendship to share your concerns with an adult who can help. No matter what you "promised" to keep secret, your friend's life is more important than a promise.
MYTH: Talking about depression only makes it worse.
FACT: Talking about your feelings to someone who can help, like a psychologist, is the first step towards beating depression. Talking to a close friend can also provide you with the support and encouragement you need to talk to your parents or school counselor about getting evaluated for depression.

Alcohol, Drugs and Depression

Alcohol, Drugs and Depression

A lot of depressed people, especially teenagers, also have problems with alcohol or other drugs. (Alcohol is a drug, too.) Sometimes the depression comes first and people try drugs as a way to escape it. (In the long run, drugs or alcohol just make things worse.) Other times, the alcohol or other drug use comes first, and depression is caused by :
the drug itself, or
withdrawal from it, or
the problems that substance abuse causes.

And sometimes you can't tell which came first... the important point is that when you have both of these problems, the sooner you get treatment, the better. Either problems can make the other worse and lead to bigger trouble, like addiction or flunking school. You have to be honest about both problems-- first with yourself and then with someone who can help you get into treatment... it's the only way to really get better and stay better.



What is Depression?

What is Depression?

Clinical Depression is a serious illness that can affect anybody, including teenagers. It can affect your thoughts, feelings, behavior, and overall health.

Most people with depression can be helped with treatment. But, most depressed people never get the help they need. And, when depression isn't treated, it can get worse, last longer, and prevent you from getting the most out of your life. Remember, you're only a teenager once.

How do I know when I'm depressed?
How can I tell if a friend might be depressed?

First, there are two kinds of depression: The sad kind, called major depression, dysthymia or reactive depression, and manic-depression or bipolar illness, when feeling down and depressed alternates with being speeded-up and sometimes acting reckless.

If you have had several of these symptoms, and they've lasted several weeks, or cause a big change in your routine, you should talk to someone who can help, like a psychologist, or your school counselor!
You feel sad or cry a lot and it doesn't go away.
You feel guilty for no real reason; you feel like you're no good; you've lost your confidence.
Life seems meaningless or like nothing good is ever going to happen again.
You have a negative attitude a lot of the time, or it seems like you have no feelings.
You don't feel like doing a lot of the things you used to like-- like music, sports, being with friends, going out-- and you want to be left alone most of the time.
It's hard to make up your mind. You forget lots of things, and it's hard to concentrate.
You get irritated often. Little things make you lose your temper; you overreact.
Your sleep pattern changes; you start sleeping a lot more or you have trouble falling asleep at night. Or you wake up really early most mornings and can't get back to sleep.
Your eating habits change; you've lost your appetite or you eat a lot more.
You feel restless and tired most of the time.
You think about death, or feel like you're dying, or have thoughts about committing suicide

Types of depression

Depressive disorders come in different forms. There are several different diagnoses for depression, mostly determined by the intensity of the symptoms, the duration of the symptoms, and the specific cause of the symptoms, if that is known.

Psychology Information Online provides information on the following depressive disorders. Follow the title link for more information about each type of depression:

This is the most severe category of depression. In a major depression, more of the symptoms of depression are present, and they are usually more intense or severe. A major depression can result from a single traumatic event in your life, or may develop slowly as a consequence of numerous personal disappointments and life problems. Some people appear to develop the symptoms of a major depression without any obvious life crisis causing it. Other individuals have had less severe symptoms of depression for a long time (such as Dysthymic disorder), and a life crisis results in increased symptom intensity.

Major depression can occur once, as a result of a significant psychological trauma, respond to treatment, and never occur again within your lifetime. This would be a single episode depression. Some people tend to have recurring depression, with episodes of depression followed by periods of several years without depression, followed by another episode, usually in response to another trauma. This would be a recurrent depression. In general, the treatment is similar, except that treatment usually is over a longer time period for recurrent depression.

Professional debate continues regarding whether some people develop "endogenous depression" without any identified psychological causes. An endogenous depression is a biologically caused depression, due presumably to either genetic causes or a malfunction in the brain chemistry. But, all depression involves some changes in brain chemistry, even when the cause is clearly a psychological trauma. After psychological treatment and recovery from depression, the brain chemistry returns to normal, even without medication. To date, there is no hard research evidence to support the notion of endogenous depression. Sometimes this term is used to describe people who do not respond well to treatment, and sometimes it is a rationale to prescribe medication alone, and not to offer any psychological treatment for the depression. In general, the majority of people who require antidepressant medication for their depression respond to treatment better when psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, is provided in addition to the medication. Medication treats the symptoms of depression, and is often a vital part of the treatment program, but it is essential to treat the psychological problems that caused the depression.

Research has shown that cognitive therapy is the best treatment for depression, as compared to medication and other forms of psychotherapy. However, many people respond better to a combination of medication and cognitive therapy. It does not make sense to only prescribe medication, without offering psychotherapy as well, because of the added benefits shown in research studies. There are some people who respond positively to psychotherapy, but plateau at a mild level of depression, without complete recovery from all of the symptoms. Often, these individuals are maintained on antidepressant medication after they have completed psychological treatment. Remember, only physicians are qualified to prescribe medication. Your psychologist will refer you to your primary care physician, or to a psychiatrist, for a medication evaluation, if it appears to be indicated.

Dysthymic Disorder is characterized by chronic depression, but with less severity than a major depression. The essential symptom for Dysthymic disorder is an almost daily depressed mood for at least two years, but without the necessary criteria for a major depression. Low energy, sleep or appetite disturbances and low self-esteem are usually part of the clinical picture as well.

People who have Dysthymic disorder will often report that they don't recall ever not feeling depressed, but they may be relatively functional in managing their life, although the symptoms are severe enough to cause distress and interference with important life role responsibilities. It is important to have a complete physical to rule out any physical illnesses that might be causing the depression. Also, if the person has a chronic medical condition that appears to be the cause for the depression (such as any chronic debilitating condition), then the correct diagnosis might be a Mood Disorder due to a general Medical Condition, even if all the criteria for Dysthymic disorder are met. The question is whether the medical condition is physically causing the depression, rather than creating chronic psychological distress that is causing the depression.

Despite the long term nature of this type of depression, psychotherapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of depression, and assisting the person in managing his/her life better. Some individuals with Dysthymic disorder respond well to antidepressant medication, in addition to psychotherapy, so an evaluation for medication may be appropriate. You should consult your psychologist if you have questions about treatment.

Adjustment Disorder, with depressed mood

This is also called a "reactive depression." The diagnosis of an adjustment disorder implies that specific psychological symptoms have developed in response to a specific and identifiable psychosocial stressor. However, this diagnostic group (adjustment disorders) is a "last resort" category. If the symptom picture suggests that the person meets the diagnostic criteria for another psychological disorder, than this diagnosis is not used. For example, if a person experiences a trauma, and develops the symptoms of a major depression, then the diagnosis of adjustment disorder is not used, even though the depression developed in response to a psychosocial stressor. So, adjustment disorder with depression is used to categorize mild to moderate depression, following a stressful event.

Also, the depressive symptoms related to an adjustment disorder should be treated and dissipate within six months following the end of the stress that produced the reaction. If the symptoms last longer, then the above diagnosis of Depression, not otherwise specified, is probably more appropriate. There is an exception to this rule, as some stressors continue over a long period of time, rather than occurring as a single event. For example, if a person is harassed on the job, that can continue for months. In such a case, the depression may not be severe enough for a diagnosis of major depression, but it would continue for more than six months. But, since the stress is continuing, then the adjustment disorder diagnosis could still be used.

The symptom picture is similar to other depressive disorders, and the recommended treatment is still cognitive-behavioral therapy and/or interpersonal therapy. However, because of the relationship between the symptoms and a specific stressor, there is more emphasis put on resolving the problem that created the stress. This may involve making concrete changes in the way the person manages his/her life, and may require specific action and decision making. (e.g. If job stress is resulting in depression, the person may need to decide whether changing jobs is the most appropriate solution.) Often people become depressed in reaction to psychosocial stressors when they don't believe a solution exists to their problem. In such cases, helping the person develop a reasonable solution is a key part of the treatment process.

Against Depression

Against Depression

My friend Sean has had arthritis since he was 17. His own body turned on itself, and has crabbed his joints and crippled his movements. The bones in his spine are too chalky to hold him up. His knuckles twist like old tree roots, and he can’t hold a book. He’s allergic to most pain medication, and the wet Irish winters warp his joints even more. It’s got so bad that a few years ago, in his middle forties, he had to retire from the work he was born to do in order to stay at home and nurse the pain.

When we’re talking, he often has to stop and go somewhere else in his mind. That’s when his face takes on a rigid cast, and while I wait for him to come back I can see the lines that suffering has drawn. They’re different from the usual laughing, talking, and frowning lines. These ones come from holding still, not from moving. He can’t stay in one position for long, and sometimes, when it’s very bad, he’s short with the three children whom he adores.

Arthritis isn’t who he is. It isn’t what he talks about, unless he’s asked. Only rarely does he pick morphine over lucidity, and apart from those moments when pain demands every scrap of his attention, he has great time for the world (as he’d say himself). For the buzz of Stephen’s Day at the races, he’ll make the private bargain of a week of extra suffering. For an eighty-mile car journey to see his granny, he sets aside three or four days payment in a currency only he can exchange. If he can’t sit through the whole school musical to see his daughter play Sandra Dee, he coaches himself to sit for twenty minutes.

When he was a teacher, he knew every twelve-year-old’s love interest, and it mortified us and drove us mad. But he also knew our fears and fights, and watched out for us. He still does. He likes to do things for people; quietly, if he can.

Arthritis isn’t who he is, and yet I’d guess his close relationship with suffering has given him a sense of the riptides that pull others down. A way of listening, maybe, or a different strain of patience. A curiosity about the places he won’t get to see, or the experiences his disease has put on a shelf he can’t reach. Whatever the quality, it has won and kept him dozens of friends, from three years old to ninety. And never for a moment, I believe, has any one of us thought the price he has paid for that extra layer of understanding was worth it. Not a minute of that pain.

When the book Listening to Prozac came out, more than a decade ago, I didn’t read it. I imagined it was Dr. Feelgood propaganda, pushing cosmetic pharmacology to smooth the imperfections that brow lifts and bleaching trays hadn’t yet fixed. Then last winter I picked up a copy in the free bin outside Dog Eared Books on Valencia Street.

Peter Kramer had been practising as a psychiatrist for several years when Prozac came on the market. When the first round of long-term patients proclaimed themselves “better than well” after just a few weeks on this new medication, he had to take another look at his life’s work. What did it mean to be well? What did it mean when people said they finally felt like their “real selves”–selves they had never known before? And what did this new class of drugs tell us about older therapies and old-fashioned forbearance?

For ten years after he published this meditation on mental illness and the nature of reality, whenever Kramer spoke publicly, someone would stand up and say “Ah, but what if Van Gogh had Prozac?” You know the type. Bluff, backslapper, heavily invested in his man-in-the-street wisdom, enjoying his moment of contrarianism as long as he’s safe in the love of the crowd. The guy who always thinks his old question is new. The guy who doesn’t care about the answer.

Kramer’s follow-up polemic, Against Depression, is his answer to a question that he came to see as callous. In the decade since his first book, medical researchers have found evidence to move depression from mood disorder squarely into the category of disease. It causes visible, irreversible damage to the brain cells. It eats at the blood vessels and attacks the heart. It causes bone loss. It’s cyclical, and if left untreated, it gets much worse over time. Depression costs more days off work than backache. In its most obvious health consequence–suicide–depression kills more people annually than war and murder combined. And we now know that, like diabetes, it’s probably behind many of the coronary and other deaths that are recorded as something else.

Depression is no joke.

And yet, we seem to be taken with it. We believe it confers special abilities, and we like to keep those gifted sufferers suffering for our art. We want to hold onto depression’s associations with creativity and sensitivity. Some are even drawn to the miasma that fogs around depressives–a smile that’s rare is an addictive reward, especially for men. It makes the tough feel gentle, and the adequate feel powerful.

Stil, depression is also a disease for someone else. If you’re not a pale beauty made to lean on a strong arm, or an artist already consigned (or free) to live outside the range of normal, it’s best to keep it quiet. It’s been decades since people whispered about “The Big C,” but as Dooce notes, a diagnosis of depression is enough to make insurance companies deaf, employers leery, and near-strangers eager to judge what this says about you and your parents. To counter the weakness, laziness, and unreliability that’s otherwise implied, we’re now careful to stress that it’s “just a chemical imbalance”–nothing to be ashamed of. Declaring it “organic,” a body illness, also seems to matter: we rehabilitate depression by dragging it out of the realm of moral failure and into the flesh.

In Japan, a society that can be startlingly cruel, the public health authorities refused to recognize depression, in spite of the world’s highest rate of suicide. Glaxo-SmithKline, a drug company, had to step in and name it. In their ads they delicately explained it as “a cold in the soul,” and they opened the first-ever crisis hotline for people who had never realized their despair and failure might have a cause.

“Everyone’s depressed. It’s all diet. People need more bananas and broccoli,” someone advised me, when they spotted the Kramer book in my bag. Soon after that, I watched a BBC sports interviewer interrogate a Belfast footballer about his leave of absence for depression. “Many people would look at you and say, fabulous success, plenty of money, crowd adulation–in essence, what have you got to cry about?” he asked. He actually said that. I try to imagine the same interviewer asking Lance Armstrong what on earth he had to have testicular cancer about.

We cherish it.
We dismiss it.
We despise it.

Why, Peter Kramer asks, don’t we hear demands to eradicate depression, as we tried to eradicate smallpox, polio, and tuberculosis? Why no gray ribbons, no sponsored treadmill rides, no spokesmodels or survivor bracelets for this low-key killer that chews up many millions more lives than, say, leukemia or breast cancer?

I knew more about depression than most. I’d sat up through the night listening to despairing people on a suicide hotline. I’d seen people close to me live with it–and I do mean live, black jokes and all. I’d read Andrew Solomon’s fat book, The Noonday Demon. Somehow all that unfelt knowledge left me with the belief that if you could get out of bed (even if you’d slept in your clothes), you weren’t depressed. That paralyzing quality, described so often, was one I took literally.

I, on the other hand, wasn’t sick at all last winter. I was just failing and flailing. In fact, I would have liked to have been sick–confined to bed with some mysterious, painless illness that would have let me sleep for a long time and see no one. I thought about that a lot. And I thought about crawling under my desk at work, or into my wardrobe at home. The dark, the hidden, and the confined were the only inviting spaces left. Under my desk, I wouldn’t have to worry about leaking tears, or looking people in the eye, or inspiring my clients to greatness.

A few months before, I’d found things funny. Skipped and sang on Bernal Hill. Turned annoyances into dramatic stories. Said yes to invitations. Now, before meetings, I wrote “BREATHE” on the inside of my left wrist, because I kept tamping down stale air in my lungs instead of letting it out. Then it escaped in windy sighs that I couldn’t hold in any more than sneezes. I walked slowly, hoarding energy. I planned my day to avoid people. At night I would fall into bed in my clothes, as early as I could, only to wake wide-eyed at four in the morning, chased by mean, looping thoughts like a rabbit on a dogtrack.

Have you ever almost really hurt yourself? A badly-judged left turn that makes a truck honk, or a vault off your bike that could have smashed your skull? The knee-shaking shot of adrenaline that wires your whole body after a near-miss is permanent in depression. At that dosage, adrenaline is poison. Every scrap of energy gets diverted to survival. Every fiber twitches: danger–fight or flight? It looks like sloth, but it feels like war.

I felt like I would break, but only kind words cracked me. Luckily, when you’re depressed, you can throw human kindness off the scent: that frowning, sighing slump dries up the cheerful greetings and sends friends away. It must be like being very old, or very ugly. Without the respite of an illness or a convent, I crawled through day after day in which I was an unfit employee, girlfriend, daughter, sister, and friend. My mind plunged into pointless, terrifying rants that came packaged as reality, revealed at last. Life is ugly. No one will help. No one could help. Help with what?

Like rheumatoid arthritis, depression turns your own body against itself. It chews not on your cartilage, but on your brain cells and your sense of reality. It’s as seductive as a wife-beater, shutting out other voices to turn itself into your only friend. The only one who tells the truth about the bleakness of the world. All your energy goes towards getting through whatever stands in your way–struggling, slogging, pushing, through work and small talk and getting food–whatever it is you have to get through until you can be alone again with the voice who can be trusted.

And the last thing it feels like is an illness. No, this monumental, world-swallowing suckage sits outside you: it comes from the project, the job, the love affair, the city, the family, or the decade. For me, these low cycles have always led me to abrupt life changes. It’s a kind of shock therapy: uprooting jobs, careers, relationships, and countries. Those shifts feed the craving for anonymity and reinvention, and they leave behind the shame of a condition that breeds shame.

When I was eight years old I got glasses for the first time. I put them on in the living room, and when I looked out the window, I could see each blade of grass, crisp and bright and distinct, where before there had been a soft green blur. I looked at everything that day, and said hello to all the small things. It was amazing, that all this had been there all along.

Getting better from depression was like that. Missing dimensions popped back up. Plain old normal days tasted crisp and delicious. And then there were the bittersweet replays, when I traveled through the previous months and years, and counted all I’d misheard, misfelt, and missed. Depression isn’t noble or interesting; it’s monotonous, self-absorbed misery that leaves little room for art or kindness or other people.

I’m back, I wanted to shout last spring, that hunched crone was a changeling, not me! I wanted to learn how to get better without running from the site of misery; how to return to people who hadn’t realized I’d been away. I would have liked some scars to point to, to explain my absence. It was shocking, in a way, this drug-borne proof that I’m an animal, washed with chemical tides, turning seasons, light, and food into moods. When you reduce my suffering to a curable disease; to symptoms, postures, and intonations, I’m no longer especially special. All those causes for my sadness fluttered down like snotty Kleenex.

It’s been more than a year since I got sick, and eight months since I got better. Every day I think of the scientists who mashed up rat brains to create the drugs that brought me back to life, and I’m grateful. And I wish more people could shuck that hollow shell.

воскресенье, 18 ноября 2007 г.

DEPRESSION AFTER struggle methods

DEPRESSION AFTER struggle methods

Depression - a depression accompanied by constant feeling of melancholy, alarm, the apathy, the indifferent relation to the validity, burdensome feeling of fault and impossibility of reception of pleasure from a life, aspiration to loneliness and rest, feeling of intellectual dullness and lack of will.
The person appears not in a condition effectively to resist to difficulties.
Meanwhile, there are next ways of struggle against depression.

Dream - the best medicine

The frequent companion of depression - a sleeplessness. The simple recipe of a good dream - a cool bedroom, a warm blanket, a low pillow and full silence. If it is necessary, it is possible to accept soft soporific. When we sleep, time goes faster so faster and "the black strip" will more without serious consequences end.


To it, most затратному to a way, it is necessary to resort only at the tightened depression when other means do not help. The main thing - to leave far away from all that casts for a long time already melancholy. Here all depends on your preferences. For someone the best way of struggle against depression is a lying on a hot beach. Someone will prefer extreme tourism - from mountaineering before diving. In general, to everyone - the.

Good film

From all ways offered here this, probably, the most banal and simple. Well, really, what can be easier, than insert the cartridge into the videorecorder and two hours is attentive to look at the screen? Meanwhile, at correctly picked up film the effect can be simply shaking! What exactly to choose - your business. In any situations the good comedy, and in any - the most bloody thriller is irreplaceable. The main thing - to distract from the sad thoughts.

Do not surrender

When it is got on nothing, there is a huge temptation, having given all up as a bad job to tell: "All was gone! I can already make nothing!" The most interesting, that catastrophic forecasts, as a rule, come true. Having run into depression, having lowered hands and nothing undertaking for the rescue, you are final, will go on a bottom with pleasant feeling of the correctness. But what for such correctness is necessary? Struggle up to the end, do the utmost also impossible, the persistence always brings a victory. It is easy to die - difficultly to survive.


It is necessary to tell, that here the result not always depends on action scale. By the way, it is erroneous to think, that this way approaches only 15-20-летним. Meetings with old friends, that is with those who remembers what you were about 10-15 years ago especially successfully turn out. Here it is possible so to have fun, that you will be envied by your children!


Any humour to some extent is under construction on another's troubles. Try to take a detached view of the life, as on a comedy of humours. Bitter смешинка it is better some bitter tears.

Feats on work

This way ideally approaches for potential workaholics. That is you so give yourselves a full-time job what to grieve and run into depression to you begins simply there is no time. Alas, if work and so across a throat - this way does not approach.


Here variants can be as much as necessary! Someone writes romantic verses, someone composes rock operas, and someone embroiders with a dagger. And it is possible to guess still crossword puzzles, to draw cartoons to friends, to do hats, to construct many-storeyed pies, to grow up flowers, to spin baskets, to sew soft toys and to cut a fret saw. And, by the way, than more seriously depression, especially long hobby it is necessary to choose.

Enjoy life to the full

It is good to learn wholly to enjoy minutes of calm. When behind the next trouble, and all burdensome cares of this day are finished, well to sit down conveniently, and it is better to lay down, relax, close eyes and to tell to itself: "this minute to me it is quiet, I can not worry about what. That will be further - I do not know. But this instant entirely belongs to me. Now at me everything is all right".

Take a bath

Lay down in hot or slightly warm bath. It is possible to relax and doze simply, it is possible to esteem a detective. In general, the main thing - completely to relax.

Live the present

It is not necessary to recollect the past. The last troubles are powerless, they cannot amaze you any more, forget insults and defeats, do not irritate wounds, do not recollect what not to return any more. Not
It is necessary to frighten itself of phantoms of the future troubles - the future only one, and to invent it is possible the whole one hundred misfortunes, the majority from which will not occur.

Image change

Any considerable change in own reflexion in a mirror usually very effectively helps to cope with melancholy mood. It can be hair colour change, chemistry, a hairstyle, courageous experiments in a make-up and, in general, cardinal change of style. Simply try to look differently somehow at itself - and the world around too will a little exchange.

All will pass

On a ring of wise tsar Solomona it has been written: "And it will pass". This will pass also "a black strip" in your life, morning will come, the sun will look out. And to satisfy the strict theory of probability, for an equilibration of "a black strip", the life will present to you wide, full of happiness and удач "a light strip". It is necessary to wait only!

Furniture shift

This way of struggle against melancholy is one of the most traditional. The important moment - does not demand this way practically any financial expenses and ideally approaches in cases,
When to change something it would be desirable right now, not shelving. By the way, a way it too purely female. To the majority of men similar ideas during depression do not come to a head.

Supper at candles

This way approaches, if the depression reason is the melancholy on something fine. For this purpose the candles, weakening music and a glass of good wine will be necessary for you. Further depends on that, one you or not. In loneliness it is possible to relax, dream simply about something, absolutely having disconnected from real problems and cares. Together such romantic evening can be spent, as you understand, a little differently.

Tritsiklichesky preparations

They block linkage нейромедиаторов with нейронами which, thus, freely move in синаптическом space. One of similar molecules, Имипрамин, helps at a hypotension, but has also collateral action, leading to increase in weight and locks. The new molecule, Венлафаксин, apparently, does not render so harmful influence.

If depression has not reached a stage of a psychosis and does not threaten physical health in struggle against it various natural kinds of therapy can render considerable aid. We said time and again that use натуропатических means in a combination to supporting cosmetic procedures helps to solve a problem essence.

Prostitutes as means of struggle against depression

Prostitutes as means of struggle against depression

Many observers of high morals repeat that the modern world falls because of human immorality. It, probably, will seem exaggeration, but scientists, working over research of various public and interpersonal problems, are ready similar to reflect something in the facts and statistical data. For example, the Scottish experts from Glasgow have found out all details of a sexual life of present lady's men and have come to conclusion, that in it much leaves much to be desired.

The relation to it of men was a research theme also. The result has appeared such, that with its account women should think not once before to connect themselves relations with the attracted representative of an opposite sex. The matter is that the impartial statistics has shown: many men wish to take advantage of services of women of easy virtue, and more than half from them has partners - the girl-friend, the wife, the mistress and so on. Researchers have checked up 2,5 thousand the men addressing in clinic of sexual health. Every tenth of interrogated admitted, that he had to pay for sex.

Approximately every fourth patient of clinic has declared, that often entered in with prostitutes, 56 % of participants of interrogation recognised, that changed with them to the girlfriends, and 20 % were observed at doctors in connection with presence of any infection transferred sexual by. Thus experts stipulate certain errors in the research as the real picture can be much more scale and unattractive.

Unfortunately, men who wish to join joys of selling love, own "darkness" and ignorance in sexual questions brings. Including themselves the tempted masters of the situation, they in practice frequently are trapped. ЄAaОпрос has shown, what even persons with quite good education far are not always informed on nuances of use of condoms, safety level at various kinds of accompanying infections and methods of their treatment.

As it was found out in the course of research, the main "corrupting" factors, подкашивающими man's virtue on a root, trips abroad, campaigns in a sauna and massage salon are. More half of all buyers of sex have found to themselves during travel, having relaxed in a circle of strangers and having inspired from seeming permissiveness. And this false feeling of freedom of many besides inspires on not protected intimate communication.

The reasons of similar behaviour which women not without justification recognise as immoral, scientific while are unknown, however assumptions nevertheless are available. First, relations in steams began to differ now extreme instability as many live with each other, not registering the communication, and any minute can leave.

Secondly, modern men are weighed by an abundance of stresses, anxiety and depressions which they try to muffle alcohol, upon drugs and, certainly, dialogue with путанами. On the other hand, sex for money is not blamed presently by public morals so actively as earlier, and the Internet has made a way to it faster and easy.

Diet struggle against depression

Diet struggle against depression
There was a change of warm and cold seasons, but do not hasten to run into traditional autumn depression: the eutrophy is capable to create a miracle and to return sensation of solar summer.

So, all байки about the visited resorts are told, a holiday money графии засмотрены to holes, and ahead of anything, except winter and new working feats. Similar prospects usually negatively affect mood, transform the person into "a sour mine", and a life - in struggle for existence. The coquettish woman's summer only strengthens these sensations as once again reminds of irrevocably last holiday.

And here, to overcome melancholy, we start to seek consolation instinctively. On the statistican, in 80 % of cases we find it in meal. The happiness formula becomes extremely simple: the more eat, the the mood is better. Therefore it is no wonder, what exactly in autumn months people accumulate the most part of of what with then and torments get rid in the spring, sitting on diets or in the fitness centres.

The certain logic in similar actions is: when our nervous system worries pressure or the next stress, the organism demands additional support. But it does not mean at all, that any meal helps us to go through the nervous moments. For a long time already not a secret, that "заесть" stress is possible, however here not in quantity, and as food. The correct menu is capable not only to encourage you, but also to preserve a parabottom-thin the summer form all year long.

The menu for a holiday

To support summer carelessness at high level and during the osenne-winter period, it is necessary not so much:

- Fragrant mint tea which removes a nervous tension. To drink it it is better in the evening, if you in the afternoon перенервничали as mint is natural soporific.

- Cabbage which reduces activity of a thyroid gland, calming thereby the loosened mentality

- Fruit salad from a strawberry and a banana. The in itself strawberry taken in number of 150 г, remarkably extinguishes negative emotions. However in a combination to a banana (серотонина - a pleasure hormone) it operates with the "wholesale" supplier much more productively.

The melancholy and the bad mood, the autumns caused by fast arrival, are reflected and in memory. If since September, 1st you became a little forgetful and absent-minded:

1 It is time подналечь on вита mines With: the lemon freshens both food, and thoughts. The lemon juice glass will reanimate ability to perception of the information;

2 Low-calorie pineapple (about 60 calories in 100) also will facilitate intellectual loadings;

3 do not delete from a diet carrots. Carotin is useful not only to sunburn maintenance, but also memory;

4 Shrimps will relieve of creativity torments as are simply stuffed by fat acids necessary for a brain;

5 If it is necessary to concentrate on something, and it is impossible to you, eat bilberries: it improves blood circulation of a brain and between the m cares of sight;

6 In critical cases when for the sake of resuscitation of memory you are ready to offer even fresh breath, it is possible to resort to the help of onions. The onions promote разжижению to blood that increases supply of a brain by oxygen, and you - ingenious thoughts. One minus: for notable effect it is necessary to eat on half of bulb daily;

7 Contrary to widespread hearings about inconsistencies of chicken mind, an egg strengthens a brain It it is connected by that in it lecithin - substance which positively influences volume and efficiency of our memory contains.

Practically all products set forth above are not carriers of a considerable quantity of calories. Besides, they perfectly cope with autumn nervous shocks, and consequently, and with the bent for caused by them to a refrigerator. That, will undoubtedly, favorably reflect ся in symmetry of your figure.

Diet from depression

With arrival of depression doctors advise to reconsider the diet for 3-7 days. At battling to depression and there should be near at hand following products: meat of a hen (it is desirable white), a turkey, the beef liver, fish (a tuna, a trout, a mackerel, sardines) and seafood, eggs, fresh milk and sour-milk products, cheese, an abundance of vegetables (carrots, sweet pepper, green onions, tomatoes, a peas, a celery, an asparagus, bush pumpkins), fruit (bananas, citron, киви) and berries (a black currant, a cranberry), bean (a string bean, lentil), wheaten bran, nuts, seasonings (a rosemary, a tarragon, a basil, реган), dark chocolate, infusions of grasses (зверобоя, mints, душицы).

During depressions are not recommended: alcoholic drinks, the bread, the aerated drinks, fat food (especially фастфуд).
[2007-09-28] Source of news:

Ecotherapy is more effective than shopping in struggle against depression

Ecotherapy is more effective than shopping in struggle against depression

Ecotherapy (stay on the nature) helps with struggle against depression and restore a self-trust, thus being much more an effective remedy, than shopping. To such conclusion authors of the scientific research which results have been published today in the Great Britain have come.

As transfers ITAR-TASS, scientific assert, that Ecotherapy it is necessary to perceive as absolutely independent way of treatment.
In work of researchers from Эссекссого depression university under the name "Экотерапия: daily walks on the nature for sincere health" have compared effect from half-hour walks on the nature and on shopping centre.

According to the representative of specialised British depression association concerning mental health "made in", results of research have appeared "unexpected". As a result of walks on the nature at patients in 71 % of cases the suppressed mood was replaced by improvement of state of health, and in 90 % of cases the self-trust raised. As to visitors of shopping centres, improvement of the sincere condition has felt only 45 % of examinees while 22 % from them became even worse. Besides, 50 % of patients after employment by shopping felt nervous tension strengthening, and 44 % have informed, that their self-respect.

The main reason of depression - excessive struggle with itself

The main reason of depression - excessive struggle with itself

В a modern society which it is possible to name with confidence “car of suppression of the person”, children are most often subject to psychological stresses and depression. Make the child rather happy happy parents can only. But the majority of Japanese are brought up taking into account rigid public frameworks, in the conditions of constant suppression of the desires, that as a result leads to self-respect loss.

The main reason of the depression getting recently more and more mass character also consists in it. Now, when people all less are ashamed, openly to recognise, that they experience complexities of psychological character, depression as though is born from a deep dark precipice. As data of spent recently governmental interrogation testify, in Japan each 15th person suffers a nervous breakdown and constantly is in a nervous tension. “I think, that with nervous system every fifth Japanese” has problems, - doctor-psychiatrist Kadzuo of Sakai who has spent one year ago similar interrogation speaks; data of this interrogation have been published last month by Ministry of Health, work and well-being.

Sakai is the director of the psychiatric clinic Hibija located in the Tokyo area Gindza. “The number of the people, suffering mental frustration, steadily grows. And the main reason consists that, as a rule, people cannot remove a nervous tension and splash out outside the anger collecting in their shower”, - he speaks. Doctor Rieko Siba, the director of psychiatric clinic Siba, considers, that Japanese are especially predisposed to depression from - diligent character. “The thinking and behaviour of Japanese are that, that allow them for excessively easy to run in a depression condition”, - underlines Сиба. 14 years it has spent in the United States where studied коморбидный a hyperactivity syndrome. Having returned to Japan, it began to specialise on treatment of it of others mental and diseases at children and women. “ Japanese are brought up in such a manner that at them the self-respect will atrophy, - continues depression. - For achievement of the purposes we establish so high lath that are compelled to struggle constantly that it to overcome and be kept at this level "." Struggle for the place in a society begins already at early age. Experiencing difficulties, children often run into deep depression. Besides, if parents are in a depression, children it strongly worry and feel unfortunate.
The negative psychological condition of the child often remains not noticed as from the earliest age of children accustom not to show outwardly the experiences ”, - explains Сиба.“ Depression - the most widespread disease in a modern society where on the first place in a scale of social values there are high scientific achievements, conformity of the person to the standard public standards and success of his career, - speaks Дзюнко Умихара, the director of psychiatric clinic in the Tokyo area Minato. - aspiring to look "good" everywhere and in everything, we test from the outside the strongest psychological pressure, even when we are at home ”. The Ministry of Public Education, cultures, sports, and technicians the beginning seriously to deal with of a science this problem of psychological stresses, especially now when it is established, that depression is the main reason of growth of suicides. The number of suicides for last five years has exceeded 30 thousand.
The ministry conducts supervision of 5 thousand children, worrying depression to generalise data and to establish the most typical reasons of this disease. As a rule, children running into depression, are in a direct environment of those who is in a similar condition. “Many children constantly are exposed to criticism from parents and teachers, - continues depression. - Adults“ adjust ”children, increase and without that heavy loading and demand, that children always and in all were the first. Thus parents put a large quantity of money and personal energy in training of children”. Some parents try to realise own unfortunate dreams through children. “Often parents aspire to identify children with themselves”, - speaks Умихара. “The child becomes as though“ continuation ”persons of the parent. It is compelled to suppress own desires and emotions and to arrive so that his parents were happy and happy”, - speaks depression.

She adds, that such children grow, not knowing, than they actually like to be engaged - they are entirely occupied by that please the parents. Special attention to children from parents is directly connected and with a problem of decrease in birth rate. “When in a family there are not enough children, parents usually demand and expect from them too many, - speaks Sakai. - besides, modern children incorrectly eat, and it is one more reason of that their mental faculties do not develop properly”.

Struggle against weariness and depression

Struggle against weariness and depression

Struggle against weariness and depression. Tests and councils, both for sportsmen, and for office workers. Recommendations of users the Internet.

Spring depression, or seasonal affective frustration as doctors name this condition, - a piece not palatable. The sun shines, the nature is updated, and on a shower - an impenetrable gloom, appetite is not present, all is ill, the dream does not go, to itself is not lovely. The science argues on the reasons of this paradox many years. It is a lot of hypotheses: winter weariness, an avitaminosis, hormonal reorganisation of an organism for the summer, an oxygen lack, surplus of light after dark winter... Clearly one - to be reconciled with spring depression it is impossible, it is necessary to resist in all accessible ways. And if itself has not consulted - to call to the aid medicine.

Suffers smothering, and the stomach is ill

Depression quite often disappears under a mask of other illnesses. The person feels of a pain in heart, a stomach, the intestines, unpleasant sensations in a back, a problem with a skin, loss of hair, etc. Detailed inspection does not show any deviations, it start to treat, but helps nothing. It goes to other doctor, the third, to the fourth, quite often goes so for years. Skilled doctors consider, that to 10 % of constant patients of polyclinics suffer not corporal illnesses, namely depression. On the other hand, depression can be a symptom of dangerous illnesses. It is recently established, for example, that at older persons accruing depression can be a stroke or heart attack harbinger.

On a floor and age

Depression amazes the weaker sex almost twice more often the strong. Whether it is a riddle of gentle female soul, whether the reason is banal - men address for the help to the psychologist less often. In risk group - wives of new Russian. Many of them do not work, devoting time to themselves or being dissolved in interests of the husband. Gradually their world decreases till the sizes of the fitness centre, a beauty salon and own habitation, and the spouse becomes unique object of attention. Because of the slightest conflict to it the world falls, negative emotions overflow. The second group of risk - the young mums who are looking after the baby. Heavy work, the big emotional loadings, constant alarm for the kid - enough a small occasion that the world was painted in black colour. Two more groups of risk - the dissolved and lonely women are more senior 40 years. At young men depression peaks fall to 16 and 19 years. But if young men are more often involved at this time in antisocial forms of behaviour girls quite often exhaust a problem inside, being given to despair completely.

And here genes are guilty

Whether the person will suffer depression or not, define also genes. One of them manages development of two important hormones - норадреналина and серотонина. They are responsible for delivery of a nervous signal in departments of a brain which participate in formation of emotions, behaviour and nervous regulation. The mutation in this gene on 80 % reduces development серотонина, which else name "a pleasure hormone". Besides, on such people also medicines-energizers almost do not operate. One more gene "manages" transport серотонина in a brain. It happens a miscellaneous: the long version of a gene interferes with depression development as delivers "a pleasure hormone" quickly and precisely. And here short - mutant - the gene works badly, at such people depression develops twice more often.

From Цунга to Бека and back. The TEST.

There is a set of tests, questionnaires and scales for depression revealing. Among the most popular - test Цунга and scale Бека which allow the person most to estimate the condition. Scale Бека is very great, but at desire you can find it in the Internet. The test which has been thought up by psychologist William Tsungom, is a little bit easier - on each of 20 its questions it is possible to give one answer from four possible: "very seldom", "seldom,"often","almost constantly". Accordingly add to itself points from 1 to 4.

1. I feel more nervous and disturbing, than usually.

2. I feel fear absolutely without the reason.

3. I am easily afflicted or I panic.

4. At me sensation, that I cannot gather and take myself in hands.

5. At me sensation of full well-being, I feel, that with me there will be nothing bad.

6. My hands and feet shiver and shiver.

7. I have headaches, pains in a neck and a back.

8. I feel weakness and quickly I get tired.

9. I am quiet, I can sit easy without any efforts.

10. I have a sensation of tachycardia.

11. I have dizziness attacks.

12. I have weakness attacks.

13. I breathe freely.

14. I test онемение and покалывание in fingers of hands and feet.

15. I have pains in a stomach and intestines frustration.

16. At me frequent desires on мочеиспускание.

17. My hands usually dry and warm.

18. My person burns and reddens.

19. I easily fall asleep and I sleep a deep, freshening dream.

20. I am am tormented by night nightmares.

The score from 35 to 40 means, that depression at you is not present; from 41 to 45 - depression is, but in the easy form; from 46 to 65 - the help of the expert is necessary for you.

9 rules of peace war with depression

1. Take a sheet of paper, will halve its vertical line. At the left write down everything, that you disturbs on points. On the right - the reasons of it. For example: badly I sleep. The reason: I am done not left by thoughts about... Find arguments why it incorrectly and write down them.
2. To change priorities, think up new, interesting, but выполнимую the purpose. For example: "to go on target to the girlfriend to other city" or "to buy a new sports suit". In detail describe on a paper all stages of how you will realise it.

3. Spring depression - is a high time to begin "all at first". Change a daily routine: start to visit pool, include in a daily routine evening walk under any weather conditions, etc.

4. Try to deliver every day to itself and relatives small pleasure: the ticket at the cinema, the new book, good manicure, preparation of a new dish, etc.

5. In the day off afford "a laziness holiday" - well sleep, take a fragrant bath, descend in a hairdressing salon.

6. Try to change something in apartment: move furniture, buy a new curtain or a rug for a hall, replace flowers.

7. Since evening write down a detailed plan for tomorrow, trying not to leave in it of a free time.

8. Will invite the close girlfriend in cafe or to itself home - and properly complain each other of all disorders, even, maybe, cry together while to you it is not becomes ridiculous.

9. Remember that mood differences cause some medicines, for example contraceptive means. Probably, they should be changed. If these measures do not help, it is necessary to address to the psychotherapist. Vivacity salad, pleasure juice If attacks of spring melancholy even more often, pay attention to the food allowance. Necessarily include in it polyvitamins. Try to avoid both low-calorie diets, and heavy, fat and sweet dishes. Limit itself in strong tea and coffee. Eat more products containing iodine - colour and sea kale, sea fish. Necessarily prepare salads from fresh vegetables, greens (parsley, a celery, a leek, etc.) Garlic, nuts. Black chocolate, dried apricots, bananas, oranges and other citrus cheer up. East spices are good also - it is possible to season with them both ready dishes, and fresh salads, desserts. Do not forget about свежевыжатых juice - not only fruit, but also vegetable: carrot, cabbage, beet. Add in a juice extractor or a blender some branches of parsley.

The correct diagnosis put 5 of 100

According to the World organisation of public health services (CART), in the world from depression suffers not less than 110 million persons. How many in Moscow - it is not known, at us such statistics it is not conducted, and to doctors with similar complaints address extremely seldom. It is known, that in New York of 20 % of women and 7 % of men suffer it. But, according to National institute of health of the USA, these people address, as a rule, not to psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and to doctors of the general practice.

"Not Profile" doctors, according to the same sources, make the correct diagnosis only in 1-5 % of cases.

Cats too cry

It appears, spring depression is familiar also to animals. Zoologists consider, that it is connected with a winter exhaustion, organism reorganisation, at some animals - and with hormonal preparation for the reproduction period. So, in the spring house pupils are ill простудными is more often and other diseases, they have nervous breakdowns: the dog can escape from owners, to become aggressive, not to obey commands. Cats are hammered into a corner, refuse meal and games. At all animals the body temperature fluctuates. This period at animals lasts two-three weeks. At this time it is not necessary to force them to do what they refuse. The food should be nutritious and easy, to dogs and cats vitamins, greens are necessary, for birds - water trays. And, of course, your love and understanding.

Councils to sportsmen

Exhaustion - the enemy almost all sportsmen as its premature development leads to decrease in physical working capacity. The exhaustion represents a difficult physiological condition; it can exist in various forms and have various displays.

The exhaustion by the nature can be physiological or physical, arising on such reasons, as, for example, inadequate power supply of muscles, inability of muscles to develop energy with sufficient speed or even because of inappropriate for a certain kind of physical activities of composite structure of a body of the person shown in the excessive maintenance of fatty weight.

By the nature the exhaustion can be psychological. It can be shown in impossibility to concentrate attention to correct performance of movement by a hand or on accuracy of performance of technics of sports exercise that can be caused braking development in ЦНС.

There is a significant amount of the factors promoting development of exhaustion. In particular, many conditions of environment make negative impact on possibility to reach in some kinds of sports of high level of sports working capacity. The heat, a wind, polluted air are factors which can make negative impact on physical working capacity.

One more factor to interfere with effective performance of sports exercises, the equipment of the sportsman can be capable. So, easier sports footwear in comparison with the heavy gives the chance марафонцу for some minutes faster to overcome 42 km of 195 m.

Extreme factors as, for example, the psychological stress caused by importance of problems put in competitions, can raise power value of carried out physical activity and to lead to premature development of exhaustion.

Эргогенные the means used in sports for struggle against exhaustion and economical use of energy

It is necessary to notice in advance, that correctly organised training process for the sportsman is the most effective эргогенным means which can promote increase of sports working capacity at the expense of production and use by energy potential muscles. However sportsmen often try to find such ways and methods which could replace intense training in this connection эргогенные means for them represent considerable practical interest.

The majority эргогенных means is applied to increase in production of energy and increase of efficiency of its use, thereby warning or postponing development of physiological or psychological exhaustion.

Various эргогенные means can be applied for:
• strengthenings of the metabolic processes providing энергопродукцию;
• reduction of influence of the factors interfering optimum course of psychological processes;
• increases in quantity of the muscular weight, capable to make большее quantity of energy;
• increases in speed энергопродукции in the muscle;
• increases of an energy potential of muscles at performance of long work;
• delivery improvements to muscles of the substances providing optimum muscular power;
• creations of obstacles to accumulation in an organism of the products complicating optimum power of muscular cages;
• increases of efficiency of movements of the person.

Food эргогенные means are used, mainly, for increase in muscular weight, supply of muscles by power sources, and also for increase in speed энергопродукции in muscular cages.

Physiological эргогенные means are applied, basically, for increase of speed энергопродукции, and also for creation of obstacles to accumulation in an organism of the products promoting development of exhaustion.

Psychological эргогенные means are applied to improvement of functions of a brain to weaken influence of those mental factors which can promote decrease in sports working capacity.

Pharmacological эргогенные means are applied with the same purpose, as physiological and psychological.

Mechanical and biomechanical эргогенные means are created and applied, basically, for increase of efficiency of movements of the person, promoting preservation both physical, and intellectual energy.

Power drinks

The modern active way of life - the big physical and intellectual loadings, emotional stresses and shocks on work, study - all conducts it only to wild weariness and bad mood. Advertising of power drinks promise to raise working capacity, an emotional condition, reaction and speed … In this connection sale энергетиков is carried out more often in night clubs, in discos, the fitness centres, on autorefuellings.

To the taste and colour, they remind more ordinary aerated drinks. Only unlike the last manufacturers энергетиков add a considerable quantity of vitamins, carbohydrates and caffeine in production. It becomes that the tired consumer has cheered up and has become cheerful. Drink action lasts approximately 4 hours.

Free energy. The spiritual party of a question.

Power increase at all does not mean its accumulation. It can seem strange because we have got used to phrases like «to me there is no energy» or «I am full of energy». To accumulate it is possible only physiological energy, in the form of calories. For this purpose it is good enough to eat and regularly to have a rest. Free energy to the person to accumulate there is no place.

Free energy comes to a body from Space. If power channels wide enough - energy are, if they narrow - energy are not present. Therefore the high power is, first of all, wide power channels.
Free energy always is present at each point in unlimited quantity - take, how many you will carry away. It is necessary to learn to let in itself this energy and to feel itself as the Universe part. It should not be any single certificate. It is necessary to aspire constantly to sensation of power unity with world around.

It seems to the person, that if it will save up a lot of energy, it becomes strong and can become successful. Energy accumulation serves in this sense only as preparation for influence on the world force of internal intention. Attempts to change or win the world power methods - business the extremely difficult, ungrateful, inefficient and, hence, demanding the big expenses of energy. The person, co-operating with the world force of internal intention, is too much about itself thinks. Actually, it simply drop at ocean.

External intention does not change the world and does not struggle with it. It simply chooses that is required in this world. For work as external intention it is not necessary to accumulate energy. Energy and so in bulk everywhere - we bathe in it literally. To accumulate energy - all the same, what to float in lake and to hold behind cheeks water for emergency. Do not fill the granaries energy, and allow it to pass simply freely through you in the form of two fountains becoming isolated against each other. That's all, that is required.

Free energy passes through a body of the person in two directions. The first stream going from below upwards, is located on one inch in front from a backbone at men and on two inches at women. The second stream goes from top to down and is located almost closely to a backbone. The size of free energy of the person depends on width of the central power channels. The these channels, the above power are wider.

Free energy will be present at enough if power channels are not made narrower. Narrowing of power channels occurs for two reasons: a contamination of an organism and constant influence of stresses. In the organism which has been filled up with slags, energy cannot circulate freely. Channels are clamped in stressful conditions even more strongly. Short-term splashes in power lifting are usually replaced by the long periods of recession. During such periods the person cannot live a high-grade active life, and drags measured existence.

In due course power channels will atrophy more and more. It is caused by that the person ceases to develop with the years, enters into a measured rhythm of a life and training of channels practically stops. Training of channels occurs when the person is compelled to use intention on a maximum level. Achieving the vital purposes, the person trains intention, and consequently also channels. As soon as the basic tops are taken, the intention lath starts to decrease gradually. Here time also comes, when in the evening (and not only) it would be desirable only one - to blur in an armchair in front of the TV. Power channels narrow, are not present energy of intention, a life not in pleasure, and in burden.

Fortunately, it is possible to correct all easily. For this purpose it is not required to force to take the intention new tops. Power channels well train power gymnastics.

It very simply also takes away not enough time. Rise directly as to you it is convenient, not straining. Take a breath and imagine, that the power stream leaves the earth, enters into area промежности, moves along a backbone (approximately on the distance specified above), leaves a head and leaves in the sky. Now do an exhalation and represent, that is high from the sky the energy stream goes down, enters into a head, moves along a backbone and leaves in the earth. To you not necessarily physically to feel these streams. It is quite enough to imagine simply to itself of it. In due course your sensitivity will be trained so, that you learn them to feel.

Then present, as both streams simultaneously движутся towards each other, not being crossed, everyone in the channel. First do it on a breath and an exhalation, but in due course try to refuse a binding of streams to breath. You can force of imagination (intention) to accelerate streams, to give them power. Now present, that the ascending stream leaves and spreads over a head a fountain. Similarly descending stream leaves and spreads a fountain in an opposite direction, just underfoot. At you from above and from below two fountains. Mentally connect splashes of these fountains so that to appear in power sphere. Then pay attention to a surface of your body. Simply feel a skin surface, and then stretch this sensation in sphere just as the balloon extends when it inflate. When you mentally inflate a skin surface, the sphere of the closed power fountains is fixed. If you obviously physically feel nothing - it doesn't matter, the imagination at the beginning suffices. It is not necessary to try very much only something to feel.

Increase of power not only will raise a vitality, but also will make you more influential figure. Your radiation becomes more powerful. It is useful, when it will be necessary for you to affect someone or in something to convince. Are known as power methods of power influence on people, but they run counter to principle Трансерфинга which says, that you have no right something to change, and can choose only. With world around it is not necessary to struggle and press on it. It is very ineffective way of achievement of the purposes. The world, as a rule, answers power pressure to the same.

The above your power, the people because they subconsciously feel your energy is better concern you, and even in any measure it consume. Vampires and pendulums extort from you energy purposefully. The vampire has made the business, and you feel, as a squeezed orange. The pendulum sucks energy gradually and constantly. But usual people do not swing from you energy purposefully. They as if bathe in your energy if it overflows your fountain much.

Giving surplus of energy to people, you achieve their arrangement. People so have got used to give energy to pendulums, that they are pleased always with a source, itself giving energy. So-called magnetic or charismatic persons concern such sources. About them say, that they possess any inexplicable charm, magnetism. It and it is no wonder. That causes in you the big liking: a pool with stagnant water, or a pure spring? Do not worry concerning that your energy is consumed by associates. That small surplus of energy which you give to associates, will work only in your advantage.

Let's admit, the meeting which is a lot of for you is necessary to you means. Refuse importance and include the central streams. Let they beat fountains. It is required to you much less clever words and sensible arguments. Simply include the fountains. Drawing and passing through yourselves free energy, you present associates. At subconscious level they will feel it and, not giving itself of the report, will like to you liking. The secret of your charm will be a riddle for them, but not for you.

The products useful to a brain

Researchers consider, that people from a cranberry become cleverest. In it contains most of all antioxidants which enter interaction with free radicals of oxygen. These radicals do a hormone cholesterol harmful to heart and vessels, and also are responsible for memory impairment and works of the oporno-impellent device with the years. Researches on rats have shown, that a diet which basic component is the cranberry, leads to memory improvement, and also to more balanced work of the oporno-impellent device in advanced age.

The second place after a cranberry is occupied with a bilberry. This berry possesses all same properties, as the cranberry, only in it is little bit less than antioxidants. But in it the substances improving sight contain.

The third place was divided among themselves крупнолистная by a beet and cabbage. The substances containing in these vegetables, destroy enzymes which in a considerable quantity leads to development of an Alzheimer's disease and decrease когнитивной to function.

After vegetables there is a fat fish. Such grades of fish as a salmon, sardines and a herring contain fat acids which also split harmful enzymes. Researches have shown, that if at least time in week to use in food one of grades of fat fish it is possible to lower substantially probability of disease by an Alzheimer's disease.

The honourable fifth place in a rating of "clever" meal occupies spinach. Scientists have established, that spinach slows down occurrence of problems in the nervous system, caused by ageing, and also interferes with occurrence of infringements of informative abilities.
And in summary some the simple and checked up recommendations of struggle with усталосью and depression from habitues of Internet space

As it is possible happen on the nature is more often, I, for example one time in a garden constantly went barefooted, at least on fresh air, plus, necessarily healthy way of life and eutrophy!

One of ways - sports, increase of physical endurance. Thus is less. The organism spends mad quantity of energy for processing of that we in it shower. And a waste биш slags stores here, inside. All it does not promote, as you understand.

Laziness, weariness, irritability, aggression, lack of energy, a high-grade food. An organism «закислён», «зашлакован».
Clean an organism and to be liberated energy, only do not begin about vitamin. We owners for bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites... Unfortunately. And if the kislotno-alkaline balance is broken, their aggression is obvious, a dysbacteriosis, экземы, are born кисты, bones expand... And if to begin about vitamin roommates increase the life cycle because they at first eat.
Illness-it result of infringement of function of an organism as a whole. And infringements in an organism occur from a poisoning of an organism with the toxins arriving from out of and with наружи from products of ability to live of microorganisms.
There is a power product-mikrogidrin-antioxidant, it does not have analogues in the world, silicon, organism protection, 100 % will add energy, a natural product.
To restore kislotno-alkaline balance of an organism the mineral additive to water Алка майн will help, to eat 100 % natural food which gives energy are high-grade.

12 methods of struggle against depression

12 methods of struggle against depression

It will be a question, certainly, not of serious depression, to cope which under force only to professional psychologists. We will talk about what we face almost every day. That it is accepted to name "an English spleen" or "Russian melancholy". Also we will make a reservation at once, that we will not recollect such revolutionary ways of struggle against depression, as repair of apartment or change of the partner in life and a work place. We will better talk about more safe how to tell, therapeutic ways.
Way the first - road:

To it, most затратному to a way, it is necessary to resort only at the tightened depression when other means do not help. Basically, the place has no carrying out of holiday of special value. The main thing - to leave far away from all that casts for a long time already melancholy. Here all depends on your preferences. For someone the best way of struggle against depression is a lying on a hot beach.
Where still it is possible so to be disconnected from all cares, eternal disorder, scandals with the heads and the Moscow dozhdlivo-cold autumn! Someone will prefer extreme tourism - from mountaineering before diving (be switched under the full program!). And someone in a condition really to come to the senses only wandering on streets of Paris or London. In general, to everyone - the. In any case, change of impressions is an excellent way to recover from melancholy.
Contra-indications: financial difficulties and pathological домоседство.
Way of the second - risky:

The rough novel
If the trip to holiday costs expensively enough, and the effect gives all the same not absolute the rough novel is almost as aspirin at cold: it is always accessible, operates at once and for certain, the consequence truth has the most unpredictable (Contra-indications see). We will specify: it is a question of the rough and short novel, instead of about serious relations. They somehow are to be considered simply as no struggle against depression. But it is already separate song...
Let's return to our today's theme. Before to take advantage of this council, not bad precisely to understand, what exactly we wish to receive as a result. As into your plans enters simply to vanish and, how to be spoken, take pleasure (in all senses of this word), try to fall in love with the one who it can organise all to you. Bores grieving for female caress, chronic alcoholics and mother's sonnies dreaming of a marriage here will not help you. "Object" should be mysterious, clever, witty, original and unpredictable. Thus it can even be married. Eventually, you need to vanish, instead of to marry!
Contra-indications: the inability is beautiful to finish become obsolete novel, attempts to see in each new man of the future husband and, at last, simply to choose inability correct "object".
Way the third - noisy:

It is necessary to tell, that here the result not always depends on action scale. That is it is absolutely not obligatory to hold a reception on 30 persons! If from all your environment only 2-3 persons do not cause in you proof aversion - call them and have fun to the full extent! By the way, it is erroneous to think, that this way approaches only 15-20-летним. I assure you, as in 30-40 years it is possible to receive a sheer pleasure from a party. Meetings with old friends, that is with those who remembers what you were about 10-15 years ago especially successfully turn out. Here it is possible so to have fun, that you will be envied by your children!
Contra-indications: dislike for noisy concourses and an allergy on the majority of friends and acquaintances.
Way the fourth - purely female:

Campaign in shop
Why purely female? Yes because I do not know such man whom bustle on shops would calm. At them reaction to shopping usually directly return. If it is fair, I at all do not know, that here still it is possible to tell. The way is effective always and for all persons of a female. Distinctions here can be only what to buy. Certainly, the majority prefer to fill up in such mood the clothes. But there are also variations on a theme when objects of this therapeutic shopping become cosmetics, books, videocassettes, toys, house flowers in pots, candles, whether yes it is not enough that else! One my acquaintance removes stress, buying in large quantities bulbs of tulips (alas, they are on sale only within several months), and another considers as the best means from depression a trip in IKEA. In general, variants here a large quantity. That is it is not important that to buy, the main thing - that helped!
Contra-indications: all same financial difficulties, and also inability to stop in time.
Way the fifth - useful:

Feats on work
This way ideally approaches for potential workaholics. That is you so give yourselves a full-time job what to grieve and run into depression to you begins simply there is no time. Alas, if work and so across a throat - this way does not approach.
Contra-indications: the depression caused just by weariness from work
Way of the sixth - creative:

Self-expression attempt
Here variants can be as much as necessary! Someone writes romantic verses, someone composes rock operas, and someone embroiders with a dagger. And it is possible to guess still crossword puzzles, to draw cartoons to friends, to do hats, to construct many-storeyed pies, to grow up flowers, to spin baskets, to sew soft toys and to cut a fret saw. And, by the way, than more seriously depression, especially long hobby it is necessary to choose.
Contra-indications: catastrophic absence of any creative abilities and not less catastrophic laziness.
Way of the seventh - hairdresser's:

Hairdress change
Well, strictly speaking, it not necessarily should be hairdress change. Any considerable change in own reflexion in a mirror usually very effectively helps to cope with melancholy mood. It can be hair colour change, chemistry, a hairstyle, courageous experiments in a make-up and, in general, cardinal change of style. Simply try to look differently somehow at itself - and the world around too will a little exchange.
Contra-indications: chronic conservatism.
Way of the eighth - house:

Furniture shift
This way of struggle against melancholy is one of the most traditional. Its action is direct противоположено to the last way: here we, on the contrary, change something round ourselves, and as the result, varies something and in us. The important moment - does not demand this way practically any financial expenses and ideally approaches in cases when to change something it would be desirable right now, not shelving. By the way, a way it too purely female. To the majority of men similar ideas during depression do not come to a head.
Contra-indications: very massive and heavy furniture or too forced apartment (to rearrange furniture simply there is no place).
Way the ninth - romantic:

Evening at candles
This way approaches, if the depression reason is the melancholy on something fine. And, by the way, by the evening at candles the man absolutely not necessarily should be applied. Alone with by itself it is possible to create at all less romantic mood. For this purpose the candles, weakening music and a glass of good wine will be necessary for you. Further depends on that, one you or not. In loneliness it is possible to relax, dream simply about something, absolutely having disconnected from real problems and cares. Together such romantic evening can be spent, as you understand, a little differently.
Contra-indications: full indifference to romanticism, candles and dreams.
Way the tenth - weakening:

Hot bath
Well, it too classics! Lay down in hot or slightly warm bath (as it it is pleasant to whom), shake up fragrant foam and... Further variants too a little. It is possible to relax and doze simply, it is possible to esteem a detective (for some reason in a bathroom especially well there are detectives!), and it is possible to sing (acoustics here excellent). Last way is recommended only at strong nerves of members of household and neighbours. In general, the main thing - completely to relax.
Contra-indications: simply dislike in a bath, to detectives and singing.
Way the eleventh - switching:

Good film
From all ways offered here this, probably, the most banal and simple. Well, really, what can be easier, than insert the cartridge into the videorecorder and two hours is attentive to look at the screen? Meanwhile, at correctly picked up film the effect can be simply shaking! What exactly to choose - your business. In any situations the good comedy, and in any - the most bloody thriller is irreplaceable. The main thing - to distract from the sad thoughts.
Contra-indications: the reserved relation to motion picture arts.
Way the twelfth - literary:

On Ampere-second. To Pushkin
If we have begun with Alexander Sergeevicha give to them and we will finish. He as you remember, advised in such cases "to uncork champagne a bottle and to re-read" Marriage Фигаро "... Those who tried, assert, that means operates perfectly!
Contra-indications: Pushkin, Beaumarcha's intolerance and champagne (is shorter, absolutely sad case!).

7 ways of struggle against autumn depression

7 ways of struggle against autumn depression

Marina Voronezhskaja Zhizn in a megacity holds the person in a condition of eternal stress. And the stress conducts townspeople straight to depressions. Especially has ended in the autumn when it is time holidays already, and only the long working winter ahead shines. A unique place where we can hide from the ruthless technogenic world, - our own apartment. Physicians and psychologists advise with all gravity to concern registration of a house interior, especially in the conditions of the big city. Such concepts, as warmth, a cosiness and душевность, with reference to an interior at all lyrics. The abundance of metal and mechanisms in conditions surrounding us strongly loads mentality and demands an adequate counterbalance.

Certainly, to buy a cosiness in shop still it was possible to nobody, but some recipes of creation of the "warm" house nevertheless exist. Use "sincere" materials В to apartment furnish try to avoid some synthetics. Walls can be warmed (in direct and figurative sense) wooden panels or a pith covering if it is expensive to you - choose simple paper wall-paper instead of the fashionable vinyl. The necessary atmosphere will be created also by rough white plaster (it is possible with effect кракле, simulating the cracked clay), and also a grey tile from a natural stone (or brown, «under a wood bark»). On a floor the bleached boards or not varnished parquet laid by "deck" will be ideal. If you have got used to a textile floor, prefer ковролину natural сизаль, woollen carpets, mats. Choose интерьерные styles "as a hobby" Some styles of an interior possess special psychological comfort and are capable to create cosiness and heat atmosphere. Them concern: Ecological style any rural house was In days of old the sample of that today we name ecological style.

During our time экостиль in apartment - a sign not only taste, but also a solid purse of its owner. Branchy silks and velvet have left in the past, on change by it the sacking, not bleached flax and сизаль have come. Porcelain and faience have given way to simple ceramic mugs without drawing. Fans of style «натюрель» are assured, that "ecological" accessories possess special power and if you go on wooden boards, to sit at a wooden table on a wooden chair, to store products in baskets, to roll on a skin, instead of on a synthetic carpet is will well be reflected in a condition not only your body, but also soul. Rural style This style in something is similar with ecological, but is more decorative and, as a matter of fact, is stylisation. For its creation the special surroundings is required: ancient kitchen furniture (buffets, lockers, hills), a wooden dining table with the benches, the open regiments laid by lacy napkins, print curtains in a floret. As most of all rural cosiness approaches for kitchen, a picture bunches of dried grasses can add, "plaits" from an onions or garlic, sheaves of dried red pepper, and also crop picturesquely spread out on a window sill of "long storage» (vegetable marrows, pumpkins, bush pumpkins, apples, nuts etc.) . Фьюжн - with the world on a thread the Habit gracefully to mix styles absolutely unlike against each other has gone from English colonizers who of "cocktail" of two cultures have created the whole direction named colonial style. And the fashionable style which has appeared in the end of 20th century фьюжн has made eclecticism of even more free from conventions. The apartment in this style can be «a bench of souvenirs», brought of different edges. All countries and continents Here "get on": the Japanese screen, the Chinese carved little table, the African masks, a Turkish hookah and the Vietnamese hat …

All these subjects collected in modern city apartment, will fill with its sensation of completeness of a life. House hand-made: all in your hands Отличный and, by the way, very fashionable now a way of "animation" of apartment - use in an interior of various self-made objects of design. It can be the pillows embroidered manually or napkins, pictures or curtains in the technician "batic", the author's candles, with own hand made bouquets from сухоцветов etc. If you do not have time or ability to do traditional things, you can borrow beauty from wildlife. Bring from wood the present tree with branches (certainly, dry) and use as a design subject. Let roots, snags and the whole trunks "work" for you as hangers in a hall, decorative vases, fixtures. The main thing, that you have taken a hand in their manufacturing. Manual work therefore and is appreciated all over the world, that, unlike factory "punching", it bears in herself an original power charge of the master. Cosy trifles for any dwelling Exist things which are capable to give душевность to absolutely any interior - even executed in style hi-tech. The main thing - not to be afraid of eclecticism and to use them at least in the "therapeutic" purposes. Such safe subjects concern: house textiles - curtains, plaids, lamp shades made of cloth (especially things and an upholstery from natural fabrics), wattled products (small baskets, jalousie-mats, furniture from ротанга), ceramic and wooden figures, and also various gifts of the nature (an ivory and a horn, sea bowls, snags, cones etc.) . The house - a live collection the Present house is a house in which interior the life of several generations is reflected, the house where things settle on regiments, not asking the designer. It inhabited apartments differ from comfortable numbers of hotels and for this reason the small room in a hostel sometimes appears more pleasantly a magnificent private residence. If you are installed in new apartment with "sterile" European-quality repair, do not hasten to be released from old «барахла». Retrobagatelles, family photos, family knickknacks, a grandmother's locker and the old sewing machine - all it can help to fill to you the cold house with human heat and spirit of your individuality. If to add to all to it pets - invariable companions of a home (especially cats are famous for it), a smell of pies and the elegant hospitable mistress the portrait of the cosy house will be finished!